Pipe Tobacco: Natural

Pipe Tobacco: Natural

Pipe Tobacco: Natural

Among the various types of pipe tobacco available on the market, natural pipe tobacco represents a particular category, prized by those seeking a genuine experience that is low in additives.

Not surprisingly, the more experienced smoker tends to prefer this category precisely because it is naturally flavored.

Let's clarify, however, that these also undergo some treatments during processing, but they are certainly less invasive than aromatic tobaccos.

These treatments serve to ensure the right level of sugary substances, which is crucial for two fundamental properties of tobacco: moisture and combustibility.

It is now almost impossible to come across pipe tobaccos in their pure state or untreated in any way.

The characteristics of Natural Pipe Tobacco

The main characteristic of natural pipe tobaccos is the absence of added flavorings.

These tobaccos are smoked in English Mixtures, but also as single-origin.

Clearly, in natural tobaccos, the alternating characteristics of the various tobaccos differentiate the blends, but beyond this, the quality of the tobacco used in the blend is absolutely decisive.

Indeed, with the same blend, natural tobaccos can vary from one another depending on the quality used by the manufacturer. 

For this very reason, you can get more or less pronounced aromatic notes between one brand and another.

Therefore, it is up to the manufacturer to know how to select the best quality of tobacco to use in his blends.

From the naturals, since they are not subjected to much processing, the inherent characteristics of each type of tobacco can be perceived.

How Natural tobaccos affect smoking

To understand how natural tobaccos affect smoking, we can make a comparison with aromatics.

The main differences with aromatics is that aromatics almost always have the same blend (Black Cavendish, Virginia, and Burley), and undergo flavoring, which is variable.

The latter covers the inherent aromatic notes of the tobaccos, while naturals enhance them, making the smoker perfectly perceive the alternation between flavors.

As for persistence, it is far superior in naturals than in aromatics.

Many people, even those who have never smoked, become attached to aromatics only because they perceive a good smell in the vicinity of a smoker. In reality, if you intend to fully appreciate the taste of tobacco, you cannot do without naturals.

What are the best pipe tobaccos Natural

Let's look together at some of the best Natural Pipe Tobaccos:

  • Cornell & Diehl Bayou Morning
  • G.L. Pease Cumberland
  • Samuel Gawith Full Virginia
  • Samuel Gawith Golden Glow
  • Mac Baren HH Dark Fired
  • Mac Baren HH Rustica
  • Robert McConnell Black Parrot
  • Rattray's Brown Clunee

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01/12/2024 17:22:50

Buonasera, tutti i tabacchi aromatici rilasciano un profumo nell’ambiente. La differenza tra l’uno e l’altro sta nella specifica aromatizzazione, mentre la miscela è sempre di Virginia, Burley e Black Cavendish. Alcuni nomi che posso consigliarle sono il Sunday’s Fantasy, il Cube di Mac Baden, il Sungold e lo Cherry di Borkum Riff. Altrettanto validi sono gli aromatici di Skandinavik e di Rattray’s.

Filippo Melchionna

12/22/2023 12:39:55

Buongiorno, vorrei un consiglio che tipo di tabacco posso acquistare che quando fumo lascia nell'ambiente un buon profumo ? Grazie del consiglio buona giornata.